Is there a universal rectangular toilet seat? Are all rectangular toilet seats the same or are there different shapes and sizes? We have noticed from talking...
The materials of which toilet seats are made. Coated wood VS thermoset. Which toilet seat to choose? Let the Sintesibagno team help you choose. If you are...
“COMPATIBLE” type of toilet seats! What they are and when it pays to choose them. What are the features of these compatible toilet seat? The first...
The definitive guide to Ideal Standard sanitary ware. An incredible story telling with the Sintersibagno cover catalogue (part 1) IIn this post we tell the...
Successful ceramic series and their imitators. Sintesibagno helps you to choose the right toilet seat (part 1). We have discovered in many previous posts how...
The bestselling sanitary ware from every ceramic house. Use the Sintesibagno catalogue to find the toilet seat for these models (part 1) In this post we will...
The CONCA toilet bowl and toilet seat and its ‘brothers’. We have seen the Conca toilet and its covers in several posts. This toilet is so...
Why are sloping bumpers needed on some WC seats? Function of inclined bumpers in toilet seats We have already seen in the post ”Sanitary wares with a sloping...
Ideal Standard toilet seats and sanitary wares Old Models (1st part) Ideal Standard toilet seat Old Models We are talking about Ideal Standard sanitary wares...