The sanitary wares created by designers: Ziliani for Olympia Ceramica, Anzellini for Kerasan, Adolini for Galassia.. We find toilet seat for these Style Made...
Snitary ware with (artistically) shaped toilet seat covers. The Sintesibagno catalogue finds them all for you! (part1) We have seen in many previous posts how...
The winner is….our special ranking of rectangular sanitary ware and their covers. This is not going to be a real ranking. We have decided to select the best...
Negl’ultimi anni abbiamo assistito nel mondo dell’arredobagno ad un livellamento formale. Non lo diciamo con intento di critica, ma come presa atto...
Old rectangular sanitary ware no longer in production. Special toilet seats for very old shapes. (part 3) Throughout the history of bathroom design many...
La série moderne de céramiques Kerasan. Sièges de toilettes thermodurcissables sur mesure. (partie 2) Abbiamo visto nel post precedente su quest’azienda: “Les...
Les sanitaires Kerasan traversent tous les styles de meubles de salle de bains. Sièges de toilettes de toutes les formes. (partie 1) Kerasan est l’une...
The modern Kerasan ceramic series. Tailor-made thermosetting toilet seats. (part 2) We have seen in the previous post about this company: “Kerasan sanitary...
Kerasan sanitaryware crosses all styles of bathroom furniture. Toilet seats in all shapes. (part 1) Kerasan is one of the first companies founded in the...
Narrow WCs and bidets. WC seats are not easy to be found. Let’s find out about the older/unusual series. (part 2) We have already started to see this...