The square/rectangular sanitary ware with 90° angles. Recent models and old productions. How to find toilet seats. In more recent times, many ceramic...
Category - AZZURRA
Ceramica Flaminia’s old series. Where to find the old models for these oddly shaped WCs (part 2). In the previous post: “Ceramica Flaminia’s old...
Ceramica Flaminia’s old sanitary ware series. The old toilet seats for the design 2.0 company from Civita Castellana. One of the historic companies in...
Un video che spiega come trovare il copriwater tramite WhatsApp. Un'idea di Sintesibagno— PR PieRo (@SintesiBagno) 11...
Sièges de toilette rectangulaires et articles sanitaires avec rallonge? Flaminia Sprint, Azzurra Glaze, Simas Flow.. Nous le savons, car nous l’avons vu...
Rectangular toilet seats and sanitary ware with extension? Flaminia Sprint, Azzurra Glaze, Simas Flow.. We know, because we have seen in many other posts (here...
Sappiamo, perchè abbiamo visto in tanti altri post (qui alcuni link interessanti sull’argomento LINK 1, LINK 2), che i copriwater rettangolari hanno...
Les articles sanitaires les plus vendus de toutes les maisons de céramique. Utilisez le catalogue Sintesibagno pour trouver l’abattant de ces modèles...
The best-selling sanitary ware from every ceramic house. Use the Sintesibagno catalogue to find the toilet seat for these models (part 2). Today we continue...
Dans les articles précédents, nous avons déjà examiné les petits articles sanitaires et leurs abattants. Dans celui-ci: “Les dix petits sanitaires qui ont...