Ponte Giulio. The sanitary ware company for the disabled, the elderly, children and communities. WC covers in large and small sizes. Today we start talking...
Ponte Giulio. L’entreprise d’articles sanitaires pour les personnes handicapées, les personnes âgées, les enfants et les communautés. Sièges de...
Sanitaires pour les handicapés, la communauté, les personnes âgées et leurs sièges de toilettes. Découvrons Ponte Giulio. Ponte Giulio est considérée...
Sanitaryware disabled, community, elderly, and their toilet seats. Let’s discover Ponte Giulio. Ponte Giulio is considered the benchmark company in...
Ponte Giulio è considerata l’azienda di riferimento del settore. Già negl’anni ’80 orienta la produzione per ausili per disabili. Accessori bagno che...
Série ROSSARI Ponte Giulio Nous avons longuement parlé de PONTEGIULIO (l’un des principaux fabricants d’articles de salle de bains pour les...
ROSSARI series Ponte Giulio We talked a lot about PONTEGIULIO (a leading manufacturer of bathroom articles for the elderly or those with mobility difficulties)...
SintesiBagno “INVENT” le siège de WC “DÉDIÉ”. Article du portail ArredobagnoNews. Dans le contexte du produit “siège de...
SintesiBagno “INVENTED” the “DEDICATED” toilet seat. Article from the ArredobagnoNews portal. In the context of the product...
We are sure that most people think that the smallest WC seats on the market have a length measurement of around 39/40 cm. For toilets used by adults this is...