Embroidered sanitary ware from curves. We find their special toilet covers. Throughout the history of bathroom design, there have been several forms of...
COMPATIBLE toilet seats for Ellade, Montebianco, Italica series. If you navigate to the Sintesibagno store and access the toilet seats catalogue you...
UNOBTAINABLE toilet seats…found! Faster (Hidra), Novella (Dolomite) Although there are only a few pieces available, we are happy to please customers who have...
White sanitary ware combined with glossy black toilet seats. Let’s look at the main ones in the history of bathroom fittings. We have seen in previous...
Sanitary ware with shaped (carved) toilet seat covers. Let’s look at them in the Sintesibagno toilet seat catalogue (part 2). We started looking at these...
Best-sellers Ceramic Houses, their ceramic series and toilet seats. All found by the Sintesibagno team (part 4). We continue our search through the history of...
Civita Castellana. The ceramic district of marvels. The series of sanitary ware and toilet seats that are winning over the bathroom. (part 3) Today we will...
Hidra Ceramica and the older, discontinued sanitaryware series. WC covers for these particular shapes (part 2). One of the companies in the Civita Castellana...
Nel corso della storia dell’arredobagno si sono avvicendate parecchie forme di sanitari che a secondo del periodo hanno riscontrato più o meno successo...
The winner is….our special ranking of rectangular sanitary ware and their covers. This is not going to be a real ranking. We have decided to select the best...