Sanitary ware with shaped (carved) toilet seat covers. Let’s look at them in the Sintesibagno toilet seat catalogue (part 2). We started looking at these...
Successful ceramic series and their imitators. Sintesibagno helps you to choose the right toilet seat (part 1). We have discovered in many previous posts how...
Civita Castellana. The ceramic district of marvels. The series of sanitary ware and toilet seats that are winning over the bathroom. (part 3) Today we will...
The shapes of toilet seats. You thought a toilet seat was oval? Have a look at the SintesiBagno catalogue (part 1). Every day we come into contact with...
GSI Ceramica. Modern ceramic design and unusual shapes from the past with Facis. Strange WC seat shapes (part 2). Today we continue to talk about GSI and...
Nel corso della storia dell’arredobagno si sono avvicendate parecchie forme di sanitari che a secondo del periodo hanno riscontrato più o meno successo...
GSI Ceramics. From the special shapes of FACIS to today’s design. All unobtainable WC seats. (part 1) Today we are talking about a company that over the...
Abbiamo scoperto in post precedenti sanitari e copriwater molto stretti: ”Vasi e bidet stretti. Misure inferiori a 35 cm in larghezza. Quali sono i copriwater...
Vases and bidets with an elongated oval shape. From the simple to the unusual. Find the WC seat. The various ceramics companies: Scala, Pozzi Ginori, Tenax...
Abbiamo notato, parlando con tante persone, che alcuni clienti che sono alla ricerca di un copriwater rettangolare pensano che i modelli siano tutti uguali o...